Shape Portal Camera System 12.12 $ This is a finished portal system for moving characters in a game. 11 February, 2022 VolkGam <p><strong>Shape Portal Camera System (Built-In, URP, HDRP)</strong><br><strong>This is a finished portal system for moving characters in a game.</strong></p> <p>1. Quite a lot of portals can be installed in a game without a special load on fps.<br>2. Rendering camera image to the portal (shader) occurs only if this portal is visible to the player through his camera (MainCamera).<br>3. The portal shader does not load the resources of the game.<br>4. Portals can be additionally decorated with any effects.<br>5. The shader is easy to create and configure.<br>6. The system has been tested on two types of FPS (FPSController и RigidBodyFPSController) [enable the one that is needed].<br><br>The asset contains a small scene with 8 shape portals. Portals can be duplicated or copied with their own settings.<br><br><strong>ATTANTION!</strong> <strong>The author no longer supports this package in the </strong><a href=""><strong>Unity Asset Store</strong></a><strong>, all new versions will appear only on this official website </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>. The author does not recommend downloading sources from the </strong><a href=""><strong>Unity Asset Store</strong></a><strong> portal.</strong><br><br><strong>Attention! After purchasing this asset, a private page with links to download sources files (in the format .unitypackage) will appear in your Inventory:</strong><br><br><strong>А. </strong>ShapePortalCameraSystem.unitypackage <strong>(contains B and C).</strong><br><strong>B. </strong>ShapePortalCameraSystem_HDRP_7.3.1.unitypackage<strong> (separately for HDRP).</strong><br><strong>C. </strong>ShapePortalCameraSystem_URP_7.3.1.unitypackage<strong> (separately for URP).</strong> <br><br><strong>These sources are even easier to import into Unity than those presented in the Unity Asset Store, since they immediately represent a ready-made solution and do not require unnecessary actions with third-party free packages:</strong> Free HDR Skyboxes Pack, Standard Asset (for Unity 2018.4), Terrain Sample Asset Pack.<br><br><strong>Just run the command in Unity Editor: </strong>Asset-->Import Package-->Custom Package<strong> and choose </strong>ShapePortalCameraSystem.unitypackage<strong> (for Built-in) or </strong>ShapePortalCameraSystem_HDRP_7.3.1.unitypackage<strong> (forHDRP) or </strong>ShapePortalCameraSystem_URP_7.3.1.unitypackage <strong>(for URP).</strong><br><br><strong>Next, just follow the examples shown below in the video and/or documentation inside the packages as a ReadMe.pdf file. If you have any questions, you can always contact the author: </strong><a href=""><strong>Contacts</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p><figure class="media"><oembed url=""></oembed></figure><figure class="media"><oembed url=""></oembed></figure><figure class="media"><oembed url=""></oembed></figure><figure class="media"><oembed url=""></oembed></figure><figure class="media"><oembed url=""></oembed></figure>