300 Free Characteristic Points 17.1 $ 25 December, 2021 VolkGam Target project: <p><strong>Free characteristic points are collected by the player to be able to improve the stats of his warriors.</strong></p> <p>In order for any warrior to get points of characteristics and increase his characteristics (Strength, Agility, Intellect, Stamina, Willpower, Concentration, Charm, Reaction, Spiritpower, Wisdom), it is necessary to convert free points of characteristics into points of characteristics of this warrior.<br><br><img src="/Images/CKEditor/Free_Characteristic_Points_Info_Screen_en.png"><br><br>This process is carried out in four stages:<br><br><strong>1)</strong> Get, buy or find free characteristic points.<br><strong>2)</strong> Transfer a certain number of free points of characteristics to the current warrior turning them into his personal points of characteristics (this is done on the market with the help of the service "Transfer free characteristic points to the current model").<br><br><img src="/Images/CKEditor/Free_Characteristics_to_Characteristics_en.png"><br><br><strong>3)</strong> Increase the characterictic points of the warrior (Strength, Agility, Intellect, Stamina, Willpower, Concentration, Charm, Reaction, Spiritpower, Wisdom) by using the "+" buttons.<br><strong>4)</strong> Click on the button to fix the points of characteristics.<br><br><img src="/Images/CKEditor/Warrior_Characteristics_en.png"><br><br><strong>ATTENTION! </strong>The maximum number of any warrior characteristic is 255. Minimum 1.<br><strong>ATTANTION!</strong> If required, characteristic points can always be transferred from one characteristic to another using the "-" and "+" buttons.<br><strong>ATTANTION!</strong> There is no possibility of reverse conversion of characteristic point to free characteristic points.</p>